Most of us have that love - hate relationship with processed sugars. I mean, they taste so darn good but the aftermath is usually us feeling guilty, bloated, and wanting more.
For years doctors have been dissecting the effects of sugar, dubbing it the culprit for acne, feeling bloated, tooth decay, obesity, diabetes and so much more. It's a silent killer that we should be more cognizant of.
In fact, according to healthline.com the amount of "added sugars you should eat in a day are 150 calories per day or 9 teaspoons for men, and 100 calories per day or 6 teaspoons for women." That's a fair amount of sugar - yet somehow Canadians and Americans are eating nearly double that amount. Why? Because it's addicting.
Here at Avenue24 we've always advocating for living your best life. So today, we're helping you on your journey to cut the processed and insert the healthy. Here are our tips to curb those sugar cravings for GOOD:
1. Slowly wean off of it
Cutting sugar is no joke. It's addictive and sometimes cutting it quick isn't for everyone, because it will totally affect your mood and your body - so be prepared.
For the sugar junkies out there who fear going cold turkey, try slowly eliminating certain sugary foods from your diet. Make goals for every week or every month so you can work your way towards a completely sugar free diet. Today, there are so many apps that can help you track your progress or if you're old school like me you can jot down your progress in a journal.
2. Eliminate processed sugars from your house!
You can't eat what isn't there. Throwing out or no longer purchasing processed sugar foods can help you cut them for good. Even if you swear to yourself that you'll never reach for those cookies again, having them there is a temptation you don't want to test.
3. Find healthy and low-sugar replacements
This is a tricky tip. A lot of people when trying to eliminate refined sugar will opt for natural sweeteners such as maple syrup or agave. But as natural as those sweeteners are, your body still recognizes them as sugar and they are still super calorie desnse. If you're craving sweetness try satisfying your sweet tooth with raw foods such as oranges, berries, bananas, etc. Those sugars are pure, low calorie and will give you tons of long lasting energy that processed sugar can't provide.
Here are some healthy low-sugar hacks we've learned from our attempts to curb sugar:
Craving ice cream? Try two bananas blended with a lightly or non sweetened almond milk
Craving candy? Try eating a bowl of frozen mangos
Craving cake or baked goods? Try blending oatmeal with a teaspoon of maple syrup and baking powder. Put it in the microwave for 2 minutes, pour some almond milk on top and enjoy!
Craving sugary drink? Try a vanilla or rooibos tea with a splash of lightly sweetened almond milk
4. Stay informed by reading your labels!
If you are off to a good start with your sugar cutting habits, don't tarnish it by accidentally eating something with a ton of sugar - trust us your cravings will go right back up! Stay informed by always reading the label of food your purchase. Although we advocate for a holistic and non processed diet, we understand that sometimes you might crave a little something something. If you read the labels, seeing how much sugar is in something could off put your desire to have it.
5. Don't beat your self up
Lastly and more importantly, don't beat yourself up if you give into temptations. As long as you aren't completely de-railing your mission, going off track is completely normal. We're human, we have to give ourselves the credit we deserve. Congratulate yourself when you meet a milestone and never give up! You'll never know how far you can go until you get there, we believe in you!