Leather is such a reliable staple and a favourite in my closet. Especially during the colder months, a good pair of leather leggings are a crucial piece for anyone to own. One of the easiest and most classic outfits I often wear durning the winter is a pair of leather leggings with an oversized knit sweater. This outfit is so versatile and can be worn virtually anywhere by just changing up the shoes.
For me, one of the BEST ways to take this look to the next level is by choosing a patent leather. The versatility of patent leather is almost that of regular leather just with more of a polished finish. You can do patent leather leggings and a knit, throw on a patent leather jacket, or shoes. If you want to be more subtle in your trend placement, you could do gloves, a bag, or a crop top underneath a sweater or blazer.
I recently purchased a patent leather skirt from an unknown Instagram store (H&M, Forever 21, and Shein all have very similar ones) and one of my favourite things about it is that it's SO stretchy and SO comfy. You wouldn't normally associate patent leather and comfy feels but because lots of it on the market is either pleather or blended heavily with spandex, it makes for a very comfy piece. Although I hate the cold, this winter I have been wearing a lot of skirts which is why I wanted to invest in a patent leather one. I've usually been wearing nylons with them but I've even found if you really layer heavy up top it kind of evens out a bit having your legs bare and I'm only wearing skirts on days I know I'll be inside. I chose to dress my patent leather skirt down this time around but I have a ton of outfits running through my head on how to dress it up. I also can't wait to wear it in the summer even though you usually don't see much leather or patent leather through the warmer months.
So next time you are thinking of incorporating leather into your #ootd, I encourage you to choose patent leather! It's an easy way to freshen up your look and be right on trend for this year. Heres one of the ways I styled my skirt!