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5 Steps to Declutter Your Closet for the New Year

If part of your New Year’s resolution includes decluttering, know that you’re not alone in your quest for organization. When it comes time to resolutions, there’s something so refreshing about a clean closet that in turn helps with a clear mind. I’m a big fan of periodically going through my wardrobe and streamlining my closet to make things as easy as possible when I get dressed every morning.

Getting started on tackling your closet can feel like a monumental task, but I’ve got a few tips to share that can make it seem more manageable. Without further ado, here are my top five things to do to help you tackle your cluttered closet for good this new year.


Schedule Time

Like any important meeting or appointment, scheduling time in your day to take on a project is essential for keeping your commitment. If your closet just needs a little refresh, set aside an hour or two to tidy things up and get on with your day. If, on the other hand things are a little more intense, try to dedicate afternoon or even an entire day for your mission.

Keep vs. Toss

I’m a big fan of organization, but I wouldn’t say that I’m a strict Marie Kondo-esque purger when it comes to my closet. I enjoy staying on top of trends, which ends up in some accumulation throughout the year. To keep things from getting out of hand, I recommend going through all of the items in your wardrobe to see what’s actually being worn and what’s just taking up space. Things that haven’t been worn in the last year get donated, and everything else can stay.

Storage is Your Friend

If like me, you find your clothing is just too much for a single closet, consider storage solutions like Second Closet that make it easy and affordable to store your things. I like to separate my wardrobe for spring/summer and fall/winter, and only keep things on hand that I’ll be wearing in the next few months. In a pinch, even a suitcase hidden away can help to streamline your closet and stash away things that aren’t being worn.

Maximize Your Space

Any closet can become a well-organized one with the help of some simple closet hacks. I’ve found that adding hanging shelves or doubling up on vertical space can give you a lot of additional space that you didn’t realize was there. Check out any home improvement store and you’ll be shocked and how much more you can get into your wardrobe!

Keep it Neat

It may sound like something your mom would say, but neatly folding and hanging your clothes can make a huge difference. Splurging on thin hangers that keep clothes in their best shape not only makes them look better, but also takes up much less space than a bunch of things thrown together in a messy heap. You’ll also be more likely to put clothes back into their place when it’s all neat and tidy.

So there you have it folks, my top tips for a clutter-free closet this year. If you give any of them a try, let us know how it goes and be sure to show off your before and after photos!

Cover photo (Model Valentina Zelyaeva, photographer David Burton for Elle, Russia, November 2010)

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