Black heads are everyone's worst nightmare.
Alas, we get them everywhere; noses, chins, foreheads, you name it, they're like that annoying sibling that just won't leave you alone.They're more than impossible to get rid of and with the rise of "Blackhead eliminating" products hogging the Shoppers Drug Mart aisles - it can be hard to decipher what REALLY works and what doesn't.
Fortunately we may have uncovered the secret to eliminating them for good! But before we delve into our tips it's important to learn a little bit about Blackheads and why you KEEP getting them.
What are Blackheads?
Blackheads are essentially small deposits of dust, oil and bacteria trapped in the pores of our skin. They're a form of acne that show up as dark colored spots or lumps which are caused by the blocking of the skins sebaceous glans - a result of excessive oils and dead skin cells gathering in the glands opening.
When the build-up develops, bacteria will move in and create redness in your pores. Due to the open nature of the gland ducts, oil, skin cells, and accumulation of bacteria that is in the air, it's easier than ever for a more consistent build up, which is why you usually have a ton of Blackheads versus just one. This makes Blackhead removal the most difficult part of maintaining healthy skin and unfortunately for people who have oily skin they are more prone to them.
Obviously, there are a number of ways you can get rid of Blackheads but the number one way - which you will hear over and over again - is to take care of your skin and build a proper skin care routine. There are plethora of Blackhead treatments on the market - and don't get us wrong - they can help, but if you aren't consistent with skin care that is right for your skin type, treatments can only do so much.
With that, it's important to note that before trying anything you should visit a dermatologist to assess your skins current state. From there you can build your ideal skin care routine as well as find out which tips from this article will be the most effective for you.
Here Are Our Tips to Eliminating Blackheads:
Wash your face DAILY with a mild cleaner and warm water (the Fresh Soy Cleanser or Cetaphil Cleanser are great options to clean deep into your skin but gently)
Use dermatologist tested makeup, or try going makeup free if you have really oil skin. If you are persistent on using makeup (I feel you) make sure to clean your brushes REGULARLY and keep your makeup as clean and neat as possible
Clean your bed sheets and your towels REGULARLY, and always maintain a separate towel for your face as opposed to your body.
Avoid oily foods, not only do your hands get oily (which is a nightmare if you touch your face a lot) but oily foods usually don't have the nutrients to sustain clear skin.
Change your pillowcases as often as possible. The oil produced by hair can accumulate on your pillowcase which is not so good for your face.
Use a steamer. Using a hot steam on your face will soften the blackheads which in turn help for removal. Hot steam widens your pores and allows the removal of excess oil.
Avoid using creamy products. Heavy and dense products can clog your pores, especially if they are not dermatologist approved or if they don't go with your skin type.
As we've noted, regular cleansing is recommended whether Blackheads are present or not. No matter how many products you buy, if your skin is left unclean more dirt will become attracted to it and Blackheads will continue to foster.
Remember before applying anything on your skin, always consult your dermatologist or skin specialist for Blackhead removal. We hope you enjoyed this article and are well on your way to eliminate your Blackheads fast and effectively!