As an entrepreneur motivation is one of the many keys to success. When bogged down by the often smothering cloak of society's expectation to join the 9-5 brigade many entrepreneurs fold under the pressure and join their peers in working entry-mid level jobs. The pressures of succeeding on your own can truly hinder so many from truly reaching their dreams. So, below I’ve listed a few of my favourite tips to staying motivated when building your dream.
1. Visualization: Visualization has hands down created the energy shift required to become an entrepreneur. It may be my overdeveloped sense of imagination speaking but I love thinking about my future and the future of my business. I urge anyone looking to start their own business to give in to your daydreams for one moment. Let your mind wander as you build your most desired future in your head. You don’t have to tell anyone what you are thinking about. This is between you and you only. Picture yourself getting out of your car and walking into your own office, one with your name on the front door of the building. Hush that internal voice screaming “You’ll never achieve that!” and truly build your dream future. Now hold onto that idea, those visuals, and perceived feelings. The more I think about becoming successful the more it seems like a given that it will happen. This mental shift has provided me with the mental strength to work hard every day.
2. Get that Heart Pumping!: Working out whether it is lifting hand weights as I make dinner or going for an hour run along the canal is a must for this entrepreneur. Exercising provides the often overworked mind with a chance to escape and expel that pent up energy and anxiety. I make sure I workout 3-5 times a week. It doesn’t have to be anything major but enough to break a sweat. The brain-boosting endorphins help squash any anxieties and provides a space to mentally map out your next business moves.
3. Separate Office Space: When working from home it can be a challenge to stay focused for long periods of time. With my kitchen and bedroom, just a few steps away the pull of that afternoon nap can sometimes win. To help get into work mode I’ve designated an office area which is strictly for working only. Putting in a few extra details such as a chic lamp, plants galore as well as some family pictures help me feel comfortable when I sit down to write. If you don’t have a separate office try setting up a small desk or designating your kitchen table for working hours. This means phone off and all housekeeping tasks are done by the time you sit down. Even though you may not be in an office setting you still have a long list of things to do and making sure you have a designated workspace makes all the difference.
Meghan founded the creative communications company 1840 Creative House that helps businesses tell their story through the use of social media. 1840 Creative House works with companies that range from accounting services to lifestyle brands, connecting businesses to consumers through the love and creativity of words.
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