Getting back into a healthy routine can be hard, especially if all you've eaten for the past few days is pizza and cereal (I really hope this isn't just me).
Sometimes we just fall off the scale, we've hit a slump so to speak. Whether it's because we had one bad day thats turned into a bad week, we went to an event and over indulged and then got home and over indulged some more, or it's because we got busy at work and forgot to workout for a month and sleep whenever we have time off (my most famous excuse).
Regardless, we all have been there, we feel tired sluggish and tbh pretty gross. And sometimes getting out of that rut feels impossible.
But its not! Sometimes all you need is a quick boost to get you back on track and start feeling good again! Through my years of on and off again slump phases here are my tips to getting back on track and staying on track:
1) Get in the right mindset
Change isn't going to happen unless you want it to happen. If your in a funk, and you passively tell yourself that tomorrow your going to change, you are not going to. You have to actually want to actively make a change, and be positive about it. If you're motivated and really focused on getting back to a better version of yourself you'll do it. The mind is super powerful, don't under estimate it!
Pro tip: setting achievable goals or envisioning a positive future through a vision board or even in your head help big time!
2) Indulge yourself
One of the main reasons why people fall into these phases of "slumps" as I call them, is because they just stop caring about themselves. They become so down in the dumps or they become so caught up in what they're doing that they forget to take care of their body and neglect it, creating this vicious cycle of just feeling like crap all the time!
When you are trying to get back to your normal healthy routine, it's important to take the time to indulge yourself (and I'm not talking with sweet treats), whether it's a day at the salon to get your hair done, a manicure, or a half hour warm water bath, it's important to take the time out of your week to take care of yourself and show yourself some love. Cause you deserve it! You'll feel better and more relaxed.
3) Go grocery shopping
What you eat affects your mood. You know it, I know it, the whole world knows it!!! Yet sometimes we still eat like crap. It's not like we want to, sometimes we just get over emotional and crave that Prairie Girl Cupcake at 4am. It's time to stop with the emotional eating and load your fridge with happy and healthy foods that will change your mood for the better.
I always find that when I am trying to get back on track, going grocery shopping motivates me to feel and do better. Knowing I have a fridge full of whole foods makes me feel like I have my life together.
4)Talk to someone for at least an hour a day
The most important thing I learned from my slumps is having someone supportive to talk to can really take you that extra mile. Whether it be a friend, a colleague, a family member, whoever, it's important to have someone to talk to that not only listens but helps you get to where you want to go.
When I was in university, I was so content with being alone and getting myself to where I wanted to go. Which was great, I mean I'm all for empowering the individual. However, I felt like I had all these things going on in mind that I just wanted to talk to about, I felt like I was going to explode. I felt like I just needed some sort of guidance or to hear myself say things out loud. When I finally caved and talked to my mom for a few hours I immediately felt relief. Not only did she listen to all my problems and ideas going on in my head, she provided me with advice and encouraged me to continue to the path to self improvement. When I woke up the next day and was trying to get myself on track she was there to support me, and continued to do so (and still to this day). Whenever I get into slumps I know I can count on her to help pull me out if need be.
5) Incorporate cardio into your day
Whether it is walking to work or running on a treadmill, cardio will help you feel motivated, happier, and a little sweatier (cause who doesn't love a little sweat). Whenever I try and get out of a slump the first thing I do is schedule in a workout SOMEWHERE in my day. Even if I work 9-9 (which sometimes I actually do...). Working out in some capacity helps relieve stress (which we all have), control anxiety, and just makes you feel lighter. Anytime I have a bad day, I always go for a run and I instantly feel better.
Whenever you are in a slump it's important to remember that it won't last forever. I've been in slumps for days, weeks and yes even a few months, and they can be a real pain in the butt. You don't feel like yourself. Making meaningful decisions to improve your lifestyle and to change the direction of your life are ways that you can push yourself and live the best life possible!