Being positive isn't an easy task in todays society, there are so many Debby downers, negative Nancy's, sucky days, and just horrible events happening around the world.
I mean, it kinda sounds impossible.
Until I realized this. You become what you emulate. I used to be one of those people who constantly complained about all the crappy things that would happen to me on a daily occurrence: "ugh that person driving totally cut me off" "Did I really just spill coffee on myself?" "I hate traffic" "people are so annoying", I could go on and on. ... you get the point. It seemed like I was always complaining about something to my self, and that those negative vibes forecasted the entirety of my day.
I obviously wasn't a happy person.
This changed when I moved in with my mom (yes I give her 100% credit for my outlook on life). My mom is a very self-less person who would be happy with absolutely nothing and I envied that. We talk everyday and she would give me little nuggets of inspiration on how to live and lead a more positive life, and it ultimately boiled down to thinking and being. If you think positively and substitute those negative thoughts with positive ones, things just seem to get better. Your entire mood changes. In 2016 I told my self that 2017 was going to be a year where I was happy and living my life to the fullest and I couldn't have achieved that any more. By thinking positive thoughts in 2016 about 2017, making the most out of crappy situations and swallowing my obnoxious complaints my whole out look and mood changed substantially. I don't think I've gone 2 weeks without a smile on my face.
The moral of this whole blog post is essentially that you control your own happiness and your own mind set. Complaining and seeing only the negative leads to a detrimental and toxic way of life that'll just make you feel depressed. Looking at the positive aspects of your life, being humble, and just being a good person can impact your life in ways you've never imagined.