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Everything Is Going To Be Okay

Life is confusing. There's no easier way to say it. One minute you're living your life doing one thing, being content, the next minute your whole world can turn upside down. Things change so fast in this world, from mere hours to seconds, it's almost impossible to be prepared for the future. I know this all to well; About 4 months ago I was so set on moving to Ottawa and figuring my life out there, and today, that isn't even an option. About 3 months ago I was registered to go to school full-time and within 4 weeks I dropped out and started working for a company that took me on as an intern in my field. That's the thing about life, we're not supposed to have every single little thing figured out, and even if you do have everything figured out, whats to say life won't smack you in the face two minutes later.


As a twenty something year old with what felt like the weight on my shoulders with my work future and where I wanted to be in life, I took it upon my self to take a day to just relax and try and de-stress. From that day I decided to draft up a few points I think all twenty somethings should read and try to understand, about life and how to make the most out of living in the now.

Soo without further or do, here are my tips to making most out of NOW:

1) Do what you want

No one can tell you how to live your life. No one. If you want to do something, go out and do it because the only person that's going to regret not doing it is you. And no body is going to care when you complain about not getting your way or doing what you wanted.

2)Stop letting other dictate how you should feel/what you should do

This kind of goes hand in hand with the first point. For a while I thought other people were way more important than me, I constantly put what they thought about me above what I thought about me, and it never made me a stronger or confident person. Stop letting people tell you how to live your life, stop letting them tell you what to do. They are living they're own lives if they really wanna do something they'll do it themselves.

3)It's never too late to start over

For some getting older can be scary, it's a constant reminder that you're running out of time and that there is no point in starting over. Well, to quote my wise mama, "if Colonel Sanders can start a chicken business at the age of 50, you can do anything at the age of 20". It's never to late to do what you've always dreamed of doing, you just have to get up and try.

4)You're special, unique, gorgeous, and an amazing person

So show it. Be the person you want to be and never let anyone or anything make you feel like you aren't one of the words listed above. You didn't go through all you went through in life just to let someone tell you, you aren't enough, or you can't get to where you want to go.

5) Don't hold grudges

As much as it hurts to say sorry, or to admit defeat, it always feels better in the long run. If I ever get into an argument or say something that I didn't mean, you can bet your butt that I'll call that person after and apologize for everything, even if I wasn't in the wrong. That doesn't make me weak, that makes me strong, I can't harbor hate in myself, I don't think I could ever bare to live with myself knowing that if something ever happened to that other person, that I let my ill temper get the best of me at that time. My mom always used to tell me that you should never go to sleep angry, which is why if you ever get in an argument with me you'll almost always get a text at 12 a.m saying sorry.

6)Find your happiness

Whether it's hanging with your friends at your favorite yoga studio, travelling to exotic places, blogging about your life, or reading a book alone, find your happiness. Then take that happiness and keep going. I infinitely believe that's why we're here on this earth, to find and live in happiness.

So stop worrying about your next job, stop worrying about not succeeding, and stop worrying about things you can't control. Everything is going to work out one way or another, and everything is going to be okay.

I hope you enjoyed this post on making the most out of NOW. Until the next post,

Nicole J.

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