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How I Got My Job

Getting a job is not easy. I'm sure thats something were all aware of by now.

The competition , the lack of demand, and the confusion of not knowing where to even start can all be a little overwhelming. I'm not here to sugar coat the fact that in some instances you are going to get rejected by your dream job, and that your going to be working your butt off for minimum wage, but I am here to tell you that it will certainly be worth it.


I've reached the glorious age where people ask "SO WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? WHERE DO YOU WORK?", and when I reply people always ask me how I managed to get a job in my field and what was the process like. So I'm here to shed a little light on what it's like going after that dream job and hopefully inspire you to go out and start looking (if you haven't done so already).

Before I begin however, a little disclaimer:

I'm not just talking about an office job,when I talk about a dream job (even though in my case it is). Every ones different and sometimes you dream REALLY BIG, and thats awesome, keep dreaming really big and I guarantee you will get there. If you want to be a rockstar, start a band, make some sick beats. If you want to be a meme maker , start testing out funny phrases online, draw some funny cartoons, do something, ANYTHING!

For me however, I wanted to get into marketing, and continue expanding my blog.

At this moment, I am a marketing intern, and to be honest I love it. It's exactly what I want to do , but getting this job was far from easy. I spent a year getting here, a year of applying, going to interviews, creating and building my portfolio, attempting to learn different languages, creating samples of work, and lastly building connections with people.

You see getting a job, a really good job, isn't just about applying for it, you have to think what makes you stand out. Ever since I left university, building my portfolio and researching companies is all I had been doing because I knew that a single resume wasn't going to cut it. If you think that I went a little overboard with the work, you are wrong, in fact you can never put in enough work. Employers see that! And what more could they ask for than a dedicated worker willing to do just about anything to impress you? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. By doing all the extra work, you are basically handing them letters on letters of why they should choose you over anyone else. But remember to keep in mind, quality over quantity, don't hand them 5 pages of b.s you put together last night, give them 3 pages of amazing work that would have them drooling over the page because they want you so bad.

Getting this job also took a lot of patience. And I know that sounds annoying, I get it I am probably the most impatient person, but it's true what they say that good things take time. Before I got the intern position I was working as a server. I love serving but I felt like I was just going in circles always waiting to hear back from the interviews I was going on. So while serving, I spent my days off making samples of work, building my resume, and applying to every damn job I could find. I must have went on like 20 interviews. And I never stopped serving until I got the job and signed a contract, because I was never better than that serving job, it was paying my school off and it was keeping me busy while I built myself up. I spent 5 month serving and applying for jobs before I got my first offer, lets just say I was more than eager to jump on the opportunity.

In terms of my more creative job, a.k.a my blog. I also am in love with it, I am lucky enough to do what I love at 22.

With my blog however, I had always kind of pushed it to the side, saying "oh I'll do later or oh I'll work on it another time." But I started realizing that if I kept pushing it off, it was never going to get anywhere and I have so much I want to say. There was no point in me always holding off on what I wanted to write. Writing is such a good outlet for me, I honestly could go on for hours about anything really which is why I love my blog and love the fact that I get to share it with you, I feel like it brings me closer to others.

With all that said, I think the common denominator is just to do what you love, and work hard to get to where you want. Life doesn't always hand you what you want, sometimes you need to get off your tush and make it happen, like I did. But trust me , there is nothing more rewarding that accomplishing something that you worked your butt off for. :)

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